Avoid “Grand Resort Travel” Do not trust any travel club

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By JohnBarnes

Grand Resort Travel pitched us. When the salesman told us that we needed to sign up immediately to receive the deal, we should have run. They didn’t give us time to verify their claims. We were told lies. We were told lies. These promises were false. A website will be provided with a list containing discounts. You can only book Carnival and Princess cruises. I felt like a fool when I was ripped off for more than $2,500. It’s hard to sue someone for such a large sum and still come out on top. These people are to be avoided like the plague. They have offices all over the country, but their Arkansas home office is the main one. Our experience was in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Today, we attended a presentation in Garner NC. We were tempted, but we didn’t take the plunge. Do you have other experiences, besides cruises? Have you ever tried to book a week of gold?

They made it sound as if you had many Grand Resort Travel options during the sales pitch. If the resort isn’t available, gold week is pointless. We could not go anywhere we wanted. We currently live in South Carolina. We don’t get much from resorts in Maine or Montana.

They will tell you what they think you want to hear in order for you to sign up and give your money. This has been the case for years. It’s just different levels of smoke and mirrors. The oldest trick in the book is to tell you that this incredible price is only available if your agreement is made NOW!

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Embed, congratulations for refusing to give in. Nick, I’m sorry but you are right to feel foolish.

I went last night and had a wonderful time. I didn’t buy anything as I don’t do Grand Resort Travel often, but I did purchase a 70-inch TV and saw another couple get one.

They might have been stooges to the company just as those who win the old three-cup find the ball game.

Grand Resort Travel 

They will tell all you need to know so you sign up and give them your money. If Grand Resort Travel isn’t available, gold week is pointless. We were not able to travel to the places we desired. This is because they are not licensed in South Carolina. You will see many complaints about this company. SCAM 100% NEEDS A CLASS ACTION SUIT

You are absolutely right. You should not engage with anyone without being certain you want more information and inviting a company to get in touch.

If your location doesn’t have strong consumer legislation, please be very cautious and suspicious.

We’ve been members for more than a year. Last year, we used two Gold Weeks in Las Vegas and Italy. So far, we have had excellent experiences. We have booked our Outer Banks trip for this year and read the reviews. We are currently looking into options for our second gold week. Although we haven’t yet taken advantage of grand resort travel in hot weeks, there are plenty of options.